The Queens Boulevard Trolley Book
By Vincent F. Seyfried
Over 75 Years have passed since the Queens Boulevard Trolley made its way through a young Queens. It served a succession of lightly-populated villages at first, but succumbed at the end to being a roadbed for a major throughfare, which in turn itself became the roadbed for a Subway.
Only 500 Copies In Print
112 Pages; Soft Cover; Limited Edition;
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Description / The Queens Boulevard Trolley Book
By Vincent F. Seyfried
Over 75 Years have passed since the Queens Boulevard Trolley made its way through a young Queens. It served a succession of lightly-populated villages at first, but succumbed at the end to being a roadbed for a major throughfare, which in turn itself became the roadbed for a Subway.
Only 500 Copies In Print
112 Pages; Soft Cover; Limited Edition;