New York Subways: An Illustrated History of New York City's Transit Cars (Centennial Edition)
by Gene Sansone
The first subway line in New York City opened on October 27, 1904. To celebrate the centennial of this event, the Johns Hopkins University Press presents a new edition of Gene Sansone's acclaimed book, Evolution of New York City Subways. Produced under the auspices of New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority, this comprehensive account of the rapid transit system's design and engineering history offers an extensive array of photographs, engineering plans, and technical data for nearly every subway car in the New York City system from the days of steam and cable to the present.
Hardcover; 528 pages; 8.5 x 1.4 x 11 inches
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Description / New York Subways: An Illustrated History of New York City's Transit Cars (Centennial Edition)
by Gene Sansone
The first subway line in New York City opened on October 27, 1904. To celebrate the centennial of this event, the Johns Hopkins University Press presents a new edition of Gene Sansone's acclaimed book, Evolution of New York City Subways. Produced under the auspices of New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority, this comprehensive account of the rapid transit system's design and engineering history offers an extensive array of photographs, engineering plans, and technical data for nearly every subway car in the New York City system from the days of steam and cable to the present.
Hardcover; 528 pages; 8.5 x 1.4 x 11 inches
What's The Story
New York's first subway line opened in Manhattan on October 27, 1904 with 28 stations. The route traveled approximately nine miles from City Hall north to Grand Central Station, then west to Times Square and up the West Side to 145th Street. Today, the subway system has grown to 468 stations connecting neighborhoods across the city. |